
What is Metaverse Marketing and How Can I Do It?

June 21, 2024
A woman against yellow background wearing black VR headset
Nandini Agarwal
Written by

Nandini Agarwal

Content Marketer

Table of Contents

In the early days of the internet, debates swirled about its potential, much like the Metaverse today. Fast forward to our tech-savvy present, and the internet is not just part of daily life but a necessity for business success. Metaverse, is a phenomenon poised to redefine the digital landscape. For marketers, this sparks a strategic shift, prompting a journey into the immersive realm of the Metaverse.

What is the Metaverse?

What exactly do we mean by the metaverse? It's a bit like nailing jelly to the wall right now—everyone involved seems to have their own take. But let's dive into a particularly insightful perspective from venture capitalist Matthew Ball, who recently shared some thoughts with McKinsey. There's a consensus forming, and it goes something like this:

  • Immersive Environments: Picture virtual or augmented reality, creating spaces that pull you in—though not every nook and cranny necessarily needs a VR headset.

  • Always On, Real-Time Existence: Think of the metaverse as a place that never sleeps; it's like a bustling city where something interesting is always happening, existing in a perpetual state of "live."

  • Virtual meets Physical, Across Platforms: The metaverse is a bridge connecting our physical world to the virtual one, seamlessly spanning multiple platforms.

  • Virtual Economy, Cryptocurrency, NFTs: Money talks, even in the metaverse. Here, we've got a fully functional virtual economy, often fueled by cryptocurrency and digital assets—cue the nonfungible tokens (NFTs) making headlines.

  • Virtual Identities, Peer-to-Peer Interactions: It's not just a place; it's an experience. The metaverse lets us be someone else, engage with others, and build entire virtual worlds. It's a space where we can truly be present, interact, transact, and create.

So, think of the metaverse as the next evolutionary step for the internet—a space where we're not just observers but fully immersed participants. It's the digital parallel to our physical reality, promising vast, exciting landscapes. 

For marketers, it's like stepping into a whole new playground—new ways to connect with consumers, a chance to push the boundaries of what's possible internally, and an avenue for brand innovation that points in thrilling new directions. Exciting, right?

What is Metaverse Marketing?

Metaverse marketing is like giving your brand a digital playground! Imagine your audience not just seeing your ads but stepping into a cool space crafted just for them. It's not just about selling; it's about creating an interesting experience.

In this virtual universe, brands become storytellers, hosting interactive events, and building spaces where users don't just watch but actively participate. It's an adventure, a journey beyond traditional ads, where creativity knows no bounds.

Key aspects of metaverse marketing include:

  • Immersive Experiences: Brands aim to create immersive and interactive experiences within the metaverse, allowing users to engage with their products or services in unique ways.

  • Virtual Events: Hosting events such as product launches, conferences, or exhibitions within the metaverse, offering attendees a digital and interactive experience.

  • Brand Presence: Establishing a virtual presence, similar to a physical store, where users can explore and interact with the brand's offerings.

  • User Engagement: Encouraging user participation and engagement through activities like virtual contests, challenges, or social interactions.

  • Innovative Advertising: Exploring new and innovative advertising formats within the metaverse, taking advantage of the platform's capabilities for storytelling and brand promotion.

Some examples of brands using this:

Facebook - Meta

Meta, the powerhouse behind Facebook, has been leading the charge in the metaverse revolution. Think of it as Facebook's cool older sibling, elevating our online experiences beyond the usual friend connections.

In Meta's metaverse, it's not just about socializing; it's a dynamic space where you can seamlessly switch between work, play games, and even attend virtual events. It's like bringing all the good parts of the internet into one digital playground.

Now, let's talk about Meta's star player in the metaverse show – Oculus VR. This virtual reality platform isn't just for gamers; it's a game-changer for how we collaborate, learn, and have fun. Imagine being fully immersed in a 3D world, not just for gaming thrills but also for meaningful virtual meetings and events.

Meta is introducing out of the box experiences but it has yet not reached mass adoption. To get people to try something new, it takes time, effort and virality. The coming time will tell if Meta reaches that stage where everybody opts for it like they do for Instagram for example. 

Nike and RTFKT

Nike is stepping into the future with a metaverse twist! Partnering up with the tech-savvy platform RTFKT, they're not just selling sneakers; they're selling limited-edition digital style that's making waves in both the sneakerhead and tech geek communities.

Picture this: Virtual sneakers you can actually own, buy, and flaunt in the digital realm. These aren't just pixel kicks; they've got real-world value, creating a bridge between the physical and virtual fashion universes. Nike is turning heads, showing us that the metaverse isn't just a place for gamers; it's a runway for the future of fashion marketing! 

This again is popular amongst a selective group of people but lacks mass adoption. Meta still has to work its way up to get everybody invested in it. 

Why Brands are Marketing in the Metaverse:

It's as clear as day: our lives are evolving with the times, thanks to our growing reliance on digital tech. We've been gradually shifting to the online realm for work, shopping, socializing, and learning, and the pandemic only fast-tracked this change. Interestingly, it's not just a shift; it's become a lifestyle choice for many.

Enter the metaverse—a concept designed to seamlessly blend our digital and physical worlds, reshaping how we perceive and interact with reality. Just like the early days of the internet, the metaverse is a treasure trove for brands, offering an exciting opportunity to extend their influence.

Generation Z is the target audience of many brands so merging metaverse in advertising can help connect brands closer to this generation as they are more tech savvy and follow the trends. This could be a potential game-changer for businesses, opening up new revenue streams and diversifying their portfolios only if Metaverse is able to crack the code. It still has some work to do to reach diverse audiences but as can be seen, it is looking like a good work in progress.

Being an early bird in the metaverse marketing game? It's not just about being trendy; it's a smart move that gives you a leg up on competitors who are still warming up to the idea. In a nutshell, embracing the metaverse isn't just about staying ahead—it's about ensuring your brand stays relevant and thriving in the long run. Now, that's a journey worth embarking on

Metaverse VS Traditional Marketing:

Comparing the Metaverse with traditional marketing is akin to choosing between a blockbuster movie and an interactive adventure. Traditional marketing relies on one-way communication, while the Metaverse thrives on immersive engagement. It's a shift from static advertising to dynamic experiences, offering unparalleled opportunities for brands willing to explore new frontiers.

Why the metaverse? Companies are finding their way into this virtual landscape for a range of reasons, most notably to revamp how they connect with customers. The allure is strong, especially when it comes to capturing the attention of the elusive Gen Z and millennials.

Picture this: The metaverse allows companies to build their own digital utopia—a realm that embodies their brand in ways traditional marketing could only dream of. Forget static ads; here, each world is a unique playground, offering customers a fully immersive experience. For example, Gucci enetered the Metaverse world. They created a Gucci Vault Land where you can discover Gucci's heritage with vintage fashion NFTs, compete for digital collectibles, earn blockchain rewards through tasks, and enhance The Sandbox avatars with Gucci Vault Aura NFT wearables guided by interactive characters.

Now, let's talk immersion. The metaverse takes advertising to a whole new level. Want to see how that sleek couch fits into your living room? With the metaverse, you can. IKEA's Place app lets you virtually try out furniture in your space, a game-changer that traditional marketing just can't match. The metaverse breaks free from the constraints of physical space.

What about standing out? In the metaverse, being a trailblazer is a badge of honor. It's still a novel frontier, and not everyone has ventured into this digital territory. Unlike traditional marketing, where competition is fierce, the metaverse offers a chance for companies to pioneer their own unique advertising approach. But, fair warning—it's uncharted territory, and measuring success isn't as straightforward as traditional methods.

Here's the plot twist: The metaverse isn't just a new platform; it's a whole new paradigm. Unlike traditional advertising's strict platforms, the metaverse decentralizes the game. Companies can craft their own worlds, free from the scrutiny of platform gatekeepers. This contrasts sharply with traditional channels where every piece of content undergoes a rigorous review before hitting the public eye—be it on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, or other conventional avenues like publications, radio, billboards, and banner ads. Of course, there are some risks involved with the metaverse like system outages and downtime, impersonation, or the risks of virtual currencies and assets.

In this evolving narrative of marketing landscapes, the metaverse emerges as a dynamic protagonist, promising untapped potential for those willing to explore its uncharted territories.

How can You Use the Metaverse in Your Marketing?

Succeeding in Metaverse marketing involves understanding the environment and adapting proven strategies. Here are some tips for you to consider while marketing in the metaverse:  

  1. Adopt Native Advertising Solutions in Your Strategy:

Explore the metaverse's advertising potential by seamlessly incorporating native options. Here, ‘native options’ refer to advertising solutions that are seamlessly integrated into the metaverse environment, providing a natural and non-disruptive experience for users. These options are designed to blend harmoniously with the virtual surroundings, avoiding interruptions and enhancing the overall immersive experience for users in the metaverse. Transition your strategies effortlessly into this digital space, ensuring a disruption-free experience for users immersed in virtual worlds.

In the metaverse, users resist interruptions, urging marketers to creatively integrate ads into the virtual environment. Picture your brand on strategically placed virtual billboards in popular games, enhancing realism and brand recall. Embrace branded installations and special events to establish a memorable presence.

Use engagement in your Metaverse advertising campaigns to captivate your audience, and craft unique experiences!

  1. Engage with new and existing audience

To thrive in the metaverse, engage with both existing and new communities, recognizing that the primary focus is on reaching Gen Z and millennials. While attracting digitally savvy newcomers is vital, maintaining the interest of your current customer base is equally crucial. Engaging existing communities serves as a launching pad for new marketing initiatives, fostering brand trust and reputation.

  1. Explore Different Opportunities 

Metaverse marketing need not be perceived as a complete overhaul of your current approach but rather as an extension of it. To embark on this journey, leverage the tactics that have proven effective in your existing strategy. If your brand emphasizes sustainability, consider orchestrating a metaverse event aligned with your real-world practices. For catalogs with a collectible appeal, introduce limited edition metaverse items to captivate your target audience. These strategies not only introduce your brand to new audiences but also seamlessly align with your established brand identity.

  1. Integrate SEO for Metaverse Visibility

Recognize the role of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) in establishing your brand's presence in the metaverse. Craft SEO strategies to organically position your brand at the forefront of search results for individuals seeking a metaverse experience. Strategic SEO efforts contribute to enhanced visibility and accessibility within the metaverse landscape.

  1. Create an Immersive Virtual Environment for Your Brand

Delving into the metaverse unveils an extraordinary opportunity to craft enticing virtual realms that captivate your customers. Similar to real-life spaces, your virtual domain can evolve into a sought-after destination where existing and potential customers gather to socialize or explore your offerings. What distinguishes the metaverse is the boundless scope it offers to unleash your creative prowess.

Conceptualize virtual shops, museums, or even destination-inspired landscapes like islands, each presenting unique possibilities. From organizing sales and hosting tours to orchestrating engaging events, the metaverse grants you the freedom to experiment. To heighten user engagement and provide an unparalleled experience, ensure your virtual endeavors are interactive. Collaborating with renowned AR or VR platforms and skilled designers streamlines the process, ensuring your virtual space embodies your vision seamlessly.

  1. Explore Innovative Approaches to Customer Experience

In the metaverse, leverage successful strategies from physical spaces to captivate your audience. Immersive experiences, transporting users beyond the ordinary, hold the key to building lasting brand loyalty. With limitless possibilities, explore innovative approaches like live concerts, brand-centric games, and interactive storytelling events to engage your audience creatively and foster a profound connection with your brand.

  1. Capitalizing on Visual Search Dynamics

Take advantage of visual search capabilities within the metaverse environment. Companies like Google and Amazon enable consumers to make purchases through mobile cameras, revolutionizing the way products are bought and sold. Social media platforms like Snapchat, TikTok, and Instagram are integrating AR, transforming the online engagement experience.

  1. Embrace Innovation in the Metaverse

For marketers seeking a second chance at an era reminiscent of the early days of the internet, the metaverse presents a unique and promising opportunity. This moment in marketing is captivating and demands innovation to unlock its full potential.

Currently, the metaverse landscape remains uncharted, devoid of established best practices. The future favors those ready to venture into unexplored territories, experiment, and forge new paths. Therefore, do not shy away from embracing your creative instincts; now is the time to conceive truly unique and innovative strategies to thrive in the evolving metaverse realm.

Is the Metaverse a Good Channel for Your Brand?

While the allure of the metaverse and its myriad possibilities is evident, a cautious approach involves verifying your company's preparedness to delve into this dynamic virtual landscape. Before fully embracing the metaverse, it is crucial to confirm the proficiency of your team in the essentials of online business operations.

Important considerations include

  • Expertise in Metaverse: One needs to know the ins and outs of working in a metaverse to succeed in it. For that, some sort of experience is required.

  • Knowledge in 3D Graphics and Design: Since metaverse is mainly about graphics, having strong team experience in 3D Graphics and Design is necessary. 

  • SEO Mastery: Evaluate your team's thorough understanding of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and their ability to craft a dynamic strategy for securing prominent rankings on search engines.

  • Impactful Content Marketing: Gauge the effectiveness of your content marketing campaign in reaching your target audience and fostering brand recognition among contemporary consumers.

  • Lead Generation Prowess: Scrutinize the viability and scalability of your lead generation strategy, ensuring consistent delivery of dependable results.

Embarking on metaverse exploration gains significance only when positive responses can be provided to these crucial inquiries. Rather than hastily venturing into the metaverse, prioritize refining your existing digital strategy as a foundational step before proceeding further.

What are the Digital Marketing Challenges of the Metaverse?

In the midst of the metaverse's remarkable expansion, which includes virtual real estate, digital assets, and personal avatars, a spectrum of nascent risks is commanding the focus of businesses, tech innovators, and insurers. These risks, notably centered around liability, data security, and privacy, pose substantial challenges for a considerable 42% of surveyed business executives, as indicated by Protiviti's research findings. 

  1. Limited Accessibility:

  • Not everyone possesses the necessary tech for optimal Metaverse experiences.
  • VR goggles and high-tier computers are prerequisites for immersive engagement.

  1. Phishing and Scams in the Metaverse:

  • Challenge of Identifying Individuals: AI technology facilitates scammers in replicating writing or speaking styles, making it challenging to identify people in the metaverse.
  • 3D Social Engineering and Phishing: Emerging threats include scams using 3D avatars to impersonate co-workers or clients, aiming to extract sensitive information and gain unauthorized access.
  • Vigilance is Key: Given these risks, users must stay vigilant and cautious while navigating the metaverse landscape.

  1. Digital Assets in the Metaverse: A Quick Guide

  • Exploring New Frontiers: The metaverse introduces a fresh space for digital assets, similar to real-world property or brands.
  • Changing Insurance Dynamics: Traditional insurance methods are transforming as digital assets like intellectual property and brands become vulnerable to risks such as vandalism, hacking, fraud, or theft.
  • Adapting to Digital Risks: Insurers and businesses must evolve to handle the changing digital landscape, employing innovative strategies to protect digital assets in the metaverse.

  1. Navigating Business Continuity in the Metaverse

  • AI-Powered Revenue Streams: The metaverse, fueled by AI, brings innovative revenue streams into play such as virtual goods and assets, personalized experience, dynamic advertising, and AI-generated content.
  • Potential Disruptions: Disruptions in data integrity and connectivity, present a notable risk to business continuity.
  • Anticipating Challenges: Possible challenges like outages, glitches, and security issues as these transformative technologies become more prevalent.


As we stand on the cusp of a digital revolution, the Metaverse beckons, offering a canvas for marketers to paint immersive brand stories. The choice is yours: be a participant or a pioneer in this digital saga. The Metaverse is undeniably a force in the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing. So, will your brand be a spectator or a trailblazer in this new frontier? The choice is yours, and the future awaits those ready to embrace it.

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