Free YouTube Ad Testing Tool by

YouTube Ad Testing Tool

Want to see how your ad weighs up against your competitors on YouTube?
Test and benchmark your YouTube ad for free with our AI-powered creative insights platform.

No credit card required!

Step 1: Fill in your ad details

Contact details

Learn what makes an outstanding YouTube ad.

Iconic image of a chart with an arrow pointing up

Benchmark your campaigns

See how you stack up against thousands of other YouTube ads

Iconic image of a globe

Simple, scalable & fast

Fully AI-powered, no participants needed. Test unlimited ads and get instant results

Iconic image of a chart with an arrow pointing up

Boost your ROAS

Optimise ad spend with frame-by-frame insights on what works and what doesn’t

What can you measure?

Brand attention

Measure the attention on your brand.

People can’t remember what they haven’t seen. Make sure your brand is being noticed with our AI-powered brand and logo detection.

Example of a YouTube analysed with with the brand detection bounding box showing
Visual example of the cognitive ease score shown over an attention prediction heatmap
cognitive ease

Ensure your ad is easy to process.

When it comes to making a good ad, more is less. With the cognitive ease score you can ensure your ad is visually easy to process and remember.

ad breakthrough

Stand out from the noise.

Measure how much attention your ad is receiving when placed in a YouTube context to ensure sure you are not losing your audience’s focus.

Visual example of a ad breakthrough score

How does it work?

1. Set up your free ad test

Enter your ad details, share the YouTube URL and select an ad type so we know how to test your ad.

2. Your ad is processed

Your ad will be processed by our AI algorithms, and benchmarked against thousands of real YouTube ads.

3. We send your results

You will receive the results via email, along with the option to plan a brief call to discuss the actual outcome and see where and how to improve.

Join the growing number of brands optimising with us.

Randstad logo in white
Google logo in white
Achmea logo in white
KPN logo in white
Sunweb logo in white

Frequently Asked Questions

Not sure where to start? We're here to help!

How can I optimize my YouTube ad?
What is the optimal length for my Youtube ad?
How does Junbi help me optimize my YouTube ad?
Can I use Junbi for platforms other than YouTube?
Will Junbi tell me what needs to be changed in my YouTube ad?
Does Junbi test the audio of my YouTube ad?